

I’m a linguist with two major areas of interest around language.

Internal stuff: phonology-morphology interface of Otomanguean languages (Amuzgo and Chinantec). I use theoretical models proposed by non-linear phonology (autosegmental, CVCV) and word-based morphology (PFM). I sometimes use interdisciplinary approaches (typology, diachrony, complex systems). I’m also interested in language documentation, questions of endangerment and conservation.

External stuff: Language attitudes and plurilingual pedagogical methods in teacher training, applied plurilingual methods in schools, especially in France where I’m based.

Current work

Currently writing Parlons amuzgo
and working on Nuer with Noam Faust and friends.

I’m PI of an Erasmus+ Teachers’ Academies project called ALTA (Allophone Teachers’ Academy) working to build complete training materials for teachers to work with bilingual and non-speakers of local languages. I also work closely with DULALA on promoting pluringual methods in France.

bien.dobui at u-picardie dot fr
Maîtresse de conférence
UPJV, INSPE de Beauvais

Picture: Near Xochistlahuaca,
a burro and the Sierra Madre del sur